workshop given by Guy Nader and Maria Campos

This workshop is based on partnering and contact work and on the vocabulary of the work used in GN|MC creation’s processes and researches. We propose tasks and points of departure to start opening up a world of imagination where body is treated from very different points of view. We search for mechanics, observe movement in order to multiply paths and approaches to the understanding of movement and body. We are interested in looking into the possibilities that the body offers and how we make it to arise those possibilities.

We will study different ways to carry the partner (portés), give weight, find common axis, counterweight, balance, move together in space using each other… We will work on developing the ability of trusting the other as well as taking risks. We will learn movement sequences in pairs of earlier works (“repertoire”) as well as create and compose sequences based on partner work through concrete physical tasks.

The workshop is aimed to professional dancers, dance students and people interested in developing further knowledge of movement.

about GN|MC
GN|MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos is an independent ensemble based in Barcelona, Spain. The Lebanese and Spanish artists collaborate together since 2006, their works have been shown in various festivals and venues around the world. GN|MC have been invited as guest choreographers to create for different European companies: EnKnapGroup in Slovenia, Eva Duda Dance Company/Movein Mission in Hungary, Staatstheater Braunschweig and Tanzmainz company in Germany. GN|MC has been awarded the German theatre prize DER FAUST 2017 for their work FALL SEVEN TIMES created with Tanzmainz, Staatstheater Mainz in Germany.
Guy Nader graduated from Institut National des Beaux Arts at the Lebanese University in Beirut (BA in Drama). He received the danceWEB Europe scholarship in 2012 and he was awarded the first prize in Masdanza International Festival in 2010 for his solo Where The Things Hide. He is associated artist in La Caldera, Barcelona.
Maria Campos studied at SEAD in Austria and in The Netherlands where she graduated from the Amsterdam School of the Arts (MTD) in 2003. She has worked with Meekers, Protein Dance, Sol Picó, Angels Margarit/Cia. Mudances, among others.
GN|MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos are resident artists in Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona.
GN|MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos
about the workshop
GN | MC have developed together a partnering vocabulary, common in their work and a
constant element that sets up a specific movement interest in their pieces.
